
Partners & Funders 


Funded by: MDDI (fonds Kyoto), Oeuvre, LEADER, Erasmus+, SNJ (projet go)
Supported by: ALR, BENG, SGI, Ekoplan, Pro Group, eida, Robin, ClimEEC, IFSB/neobuild, Topsolar, SuperDrecksKëscht, LUCA, OAI, Chambre des Métiers, Blue Horizon, Common Paradox, Cactus


Funded by: Interreg A, MDDI
Patners: CD 54, CD57, Prov. Luxembourg, Produits et Marchés Paysans (Halles de Han, Be), Ch. Agri. 54, Citoyens et Territoires Grand Est (ex. Carrefour Pays Lorrains), GEIE Eco-Trans-Faire, Uni. Lorraine, Parc Naturel Gaume, Hochschule Trier University of Applied Science (DIFAS)
Supported by: GECT Alzette/Belval, Commune Sanem, Agence pour l’Entreprise et l’Innovation (Be), Uni. Luxembourg, Pôle Equilibre Rural Coeur de Lorraine, Fondation Rurale de Wallonie, AlterInnov (projet Interreg FRUGAL)


Funded by: Oeuvre de la grande duchesse charlotte – projet Mateneen
Supported by: Ville de Dudelange, Ville de Sanem, Olai, Caritas, Croix-Rouge, Co-Labor.

Pacte Climat

Funded by: MDDI (fonds Kyoto)
Patners (depending on the project) : Klimabündnis, EBL, myenergy, IMS


Funded by: MDDI, Ville Esch/Alzette
Patners: 4Motion, Coévolution
Supported by: Université Luxembourg, House of Entrepreneurship, SMART Belgique, ONS Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

Transition Minett

Soutenu par : Ville d’Esch
Doing projects for (via CELL): Commune de Dudelange (Forum citoyen Neischmelz), 1535 creative hub (Piazza Verde)

Urban Gardening

Funded by: MDDI (fonds Kyoto)
Supported by: FNR

Other partners of CELL

SCRIPT, CSDD (for the Transition Day)


We believe that very different groups of people need to come together to work in a systematic and systemic way towards a low-carbon future. This is why we value the collaborations with the following public and private partners, both on a national and international level.

Votum Klima

CELL is part of Votum Klima, a broad alliance of NGOs from Luxembourg that has been campaigning for a transition towards climate protection and the lowering of GHG emissions in practice since 2009.

Meng Landwirtschaft

CELL is part of Meng Landwirtschaft, a platform consisting of NGOs campaigning for a new, sustainable kind of agriculture.

SNJ – Service national de la jeunesse

CELL has been an accredited hosting organisation for EVS (European Voluntary Service) since 2013, and has developed a water workshop for the SNJ.

Alliance for the Future

CELL is one of the six founding members of the Alliance for the Future. The mission of the Alliance is to synergise activities and communities of small change making organisations across sectors and countries. The goal is to develop joint capacity for transformative education, transformative research and transformative action. The Alliance has its seat in Luxembourg and started its operations on 1st September 2013. It is now building joint fundraising and consulting capacity as well as pilot educational programmes. The Alliance also hosts the University for the Future Initiative. This Initiative is unleashing collective intelligence for developing, implementing and spreading a new model of higher education.

The new model is currently designed from scratch, unburdened by limiting academic structures and traditions. The goal is to co-create the most suitable approach to catalysing the sustainability transition, fostering social well-being and stimulating the expression of higher human potential in all domains of life. Based on the experiences of a project that delivered holistic, transdisciplinary courses to more than 4000 students in an existing university, the University for the Future Initiative is now prototyping its own programmes. At the same time it also innovates all other dimensions of higher education, including the organisational design which will be flexible, participatory and multi-local. For more information and possibilities to contribute, see


ECOLISE is a coalition of organisations engaged in promoting and supporting local communities across Europe in their efforts to build pathways to a sustainable future. The members of ECOLISE include international, national and sometimes regional networks of community-based initiatives, as well as other bodies engaged in European-level research, training, communications or other activities to support community-based action on climate change and sustainability. Some of the founding organisations include: Pesticide Action Network – PAN Europe. We have been part of the PAN since 2014. And Permaculture Association UK. We are a proud member of the Permaculture Association UK.

By bringing these organisations together, ECOLISE seeks to establish a common Europe-wide agenda and a platform for collective action. Find more :